Protect Yourself!
There are many reasons to use a state-licensed Master Plumber. Some of them are listed here...
Master Plumbers are regulated by the New Jersey State Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers under the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs which is a division of the New Jersey Department of Law Public Safety. Master Plumbers are LICENSED and are subject to all the regulations governing our profession and any others linked to it in the State of New Jersey such as the Consumer Fraud Act.
Do You See All Those Contractor's Trucks That Show Their "License #"...???
All handymen and contractors are now required by law to carry a home improvement contractors registration. It begins with "13VH..." THIS IS NOT A LICENSE AND DOES NOT REQUIRE THE INDIVIDUAL TO BE COMPETENT OR QUALIFIED! Those who are unscrupulous may try to mislead you into thinking that this registration is a license... IT IS NOT. It only means they have filled out a form for the state of N.J. saying they are working as a contractor. Don't be fooled.
Master Plumbers must attain the required time and training as an apprentice and as a journeyman under the direct supervision and guidance of a Master Plumber and attend a U.S. Dept. of Education accredited school for 4 years in order to even be considered eligible for licensure.
Master Plumbers must complete with a passing score a comprehensive multi-component examination administered by the State Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers. The test components are both practical and theoretical in nature and contain law & public safety, business administration and knowledge of the plumbing subcode.
Master Plumbers must attend an approved continuing education curriculum as required by the State Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers. Fines are levied or possible loss of licensure is a result of failure to maintain the requisite continuing education requirements.
Master Plumbers have customarily and historically installed, maintained and repaired gas piping systems, mechanical systems such as hydronic and steam boilers, chillers, water service piping, sewers, water filtration and water conservation products, backflow and cross-connection control assemblies and devices as well as many other important "out of sight" systems and devices which protect you and your family every day and which you've never even considered.
Master Plumbers who are members of the New Jersey State League of Master Plumbers are held accountable to not only the State Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers, but also to the membership and bylaws of the State League. Only Master Plumbers are qualified to join and represent the New Jersey State League of Master Plumbers.
Would you solicit the services of someone less qualified than a Board certified physician when it comes to your personal health & welfare?
Why then hire someone other than a Master Plumber, licensed by the State Board of Examiners of Master Plumbers to protect the health and welfare of you, your family and your important investments, home and property?
Remember, other than a homeowner working on their own dwelling, only a Master Plumber is allowed by law to perform or advertise plumbing work or tasks in the State of New Jersey!